In the words of The Office's Michael Scott (whom I'm obsessed with), "Welcome Welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome!"
This is my first attempt at blogging, so bare with me while I get the hang of it.
Any good relationship begins with some getting to know each other, right? So here goes nothing.

The vital stats:
-22 yr. old near-college-grad, B.A. in Communications Media- Broadcast/ PR and Advertising.
-Loves? Good family and good friends. Travel. Different Cultures. Fashion. Randomness. My car. Excessively quoting The Office, Forrest Gump, and Napolean Dynamite. Picking names for my future bassett hound. Tom Petty. The Eagles. Jimmy Buffett and Parrotheads. Flying. Airports. Red wine. Black tea. Black flats. Big dogs. Puppies.
I'm sure more will come out later, as we get to know each other. What brings me here, you ask? I've been in a continuous battle with my weight for some 15 of my 22 years of life thus far. When you think about it, that's an awful long time to be unhappy with one's self. I mean seriously... a lot can happen in 15 years! That's almost 4 presidential terms, nearly 8 Olympics, 1.5 censuses, and countless other milestones in one's everyday life.
When I say "unhappy" with myself, I guess I should clarify. With the exception of my weight, I'm extremely happy with myself. Unfortunately, it's a given that how you look dictates how you feel in general. All the good in the world, including ones self, can easily be overshadowed by one negative.
So, that brings me to where I am today. In less than 2 weeks, I'll be graduating college and, debatabely, entering adulthood. I have the world at my feet. It's the end of an era, in more ways than one. I'm sick of my weight being the one thing that holds me back from everything I want to do in life. So, what better time to kick it to the curb for good?
welcome to the blogging world! youre going to love it!